Aug 26Liked by Jena Ball

Intense. Curious where it's going, and assuming there will be a good ending, because, well, this is fiction, where things can go right for the good people. -

The story has just enough of the surreal, and is building it slowly, that I buy it.

I suppose, I am starting to see this as a "growing up" story for Maddy, spiritually, as well as in self-confidence, where I hope she willl become the actor instead of needing her friends (and mostly men) to be her protectors.

It's a fascinating story and I am looking forward to the other half of it.

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Such good observations and questions, Aleks. Maddy is by no means directionless, unqualified professionally, or in need of saving. I hope she doesn’t come off like that. She is an accomplished journalist, researcher, and recovering alcoholic who had the good sense to get into AA (I hope those qualities have come through), but as you noted we all grow up in different ways and as a result of different circumstances. She has been thrown into deep water at the Light House and asked to help execute the wishes of the good friend and mentor she just lost to AIDS. Part of the deep water is the spiritual component through which I hope to remind my readers of their own larger selves and place on this planet. Researching the history and traditions behind this part of the story (all based on fact) has been fascinating and eye opening. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts going forward.

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Ohhhh, I love that the horses told Appalachia about Madison. She knows she can and should trust and protect Madison.

And holy cow, Faith and her pals certainly are desperate to control the narrative...bullying to get their way.

Can't wait for more. ☺️

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So happy to hear you're enjoying the saga. It's funny how it has a clear plot, message, and resolution in my mind, but the path to achieving that resolution is long and often winding - lol. I'll get there and I'm enjoying the process but my poor readers. Patience is your middle name! Thank you for coming along for the ride. HUGS!

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Every narrative has its journey and often even the writer is surprised. 😊

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Truth! At some point the characters take over and dictate much of what or at least how things happen. It’s wondrous in its own way :-)

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So intense and fascinating🌹 I am hooked!

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Thank you!

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