Aug 23·edited Aug 23Liked by Jena Ball

Lovely to read your mouse stories!

- When you drop mice off away from your house, make sure it's near a neighbor you don't like...or at least someone who voted for the wrong candidate.

- Rats are exponentially worse than mice...and smarter, too.

- Coyotes eat mice and other rodents a as a staple food - easily over 1000 per year. So do rattlesnakes, around 200, in average. When have you last seen either?

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LMAO….I can think of some locations that would be ideal for a drop off.

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Oh my goodness. Subject matter notwithstanding, you are a fabulous writer!

We once had a mouse in the house. I told my then husband that we had a mouse. He insisted we did not.

We had a two year old Collie at the time who knew we had a mouse. Unlike your hunt to the kill cat, our dog was afraid of the mouse.

One night, my spouse came home late to find me reading on the couch and the collie, named Moose, cuddled up, refusing to get off the sofa to greet him.

Why isn’t Moose coming to see me? He’s afraid of the mouse. There’s no mouse. Ok. I didn’t feel like debating what I knew to be true.

That night, my husband who slept in the nude, these were pre children days, put in his robe and got up to make a late night snack. I heard a shriek, followed by something hitting the floor and a whole lot of cursing.

As my husband was rapidly putting on his pants, he informed me he was going to the rassin frassin all night Shoppers for a mousetrap.

I asked him with a smirk, what happened? Did the mouse climb up your robe and try to swing on your vine?

He was not amused but I was in stitches while feeling verily validated.

That’s my mouse story.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Author

Hahaha priceless, Patricia. And I agree, Aleks is a fabulous writer :-)

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I used to trap them, take them outside and let them go. But critters that don't belong indoors? They don't belong indoors. And the fight can lead to an exhaustion that ends up in the willingness, no, the determination to kill. If it belongs outside, I don't swat at it or step on it and will walk around it if necessary. That's their home. But inside? Not a chance.

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I have yet to have an issue with mice ( knock on wood). It absolutely is a delicate balance between live and let live and invasion. The dance between empathy and necessity an intricate one.

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The understatement of the century - lol.

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Ugh. Up in the canyons here, we have a rat problem (apparently they love palm trees). When I first moved in 15 years ago they were very comfortable coming inside the house. One night I walked into the den to see one staring at me while snacking on something under the pool table. We hired a great pest control guy who successfully sealed all access to the house. But this spring suddenly there were so many outside, I had to have our gopher guy set traps for them lest they start making their way inside again. It's sad but necessary. I commend your humane traps. But our gophers cause serious erosion to our already vulnerable hillsides and the rats are very invasive 💔

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It's so hard! We had a problem with rats in the palm trees and mice in our kitchen when I lived on Maui. We eventually had to resort to extermination :-(

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Great piece! I have been hounded by mice in my former house and in the one I live in now. My cats have mostly kept them to a minimum, creating a hostile working environment. We have opted for humane traps, and we drive them miles and miles away--usually on the way to work. That's slowed the process down. Mostly the beasties--like guests who never leave, but take up residence--show up in winter. My empathic side fights for their rights to survive, but my cats vehemently disagree. Who am I to argue with nature's life cycle?

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It’s such a conundrum. Having mice is a health hazard so live and let live, even if you can stand the stench and mess, is not an option. I just recently had to deal with fleas. I have a lot less empathy for them than mice. Does that make me a hypocrite? LOL

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The best kind of hypocrite!! lol!!

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Laughing - pests are pest whatever the species.

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